Internship Resources


We have thousands of companies that post full-time jobs, internships, fellowships and other employment opportunities directly to the Handshake site, for Howard graduate and undergraduate students from all Schools and Colleges.


  • A short-term (half to multi-day) job shadowing experience that provides you with an opportunity to connect with Howard alumni, parents and friends to explore career options and gain a realistic perspective of an industry. ​

  • Externships generally highlight a “typical” workday but shadowing takes on various formats. Activities might include: Full or half day of shadowing, tour of the facility, informational interviews, attend staff meetings or other company events, observe client/customer interactions, assist with a small project or general office tasks, visit with the HR Department and/or recruiter, review marketing materials about the organization, meet with Howard alumni and/or individuals about their job responsibilities


Micro-Internships are short-term, paid, professional assignments that are similar to those given to new hires or interns. These projects enable Career Launchers to demonstrate skills, explore career paths, and build their networks as they seek the right full-time role. Unlike traditional internships, Micro-Internships can take place year-round, typically range from 5 to 40 hours of work, and are due between one week and one month after kick-off. Micro-Internships are used by companies ranging from those in the Fortune 100 to emerging start-ups, and go across departments including sales, marketing, technology, HR, and finance.

Micro-Internships are facilitated via the Parker Dewey platform, which connects Career Launchers with Companies in need of support.