Suggested Additional ELOs
The General Education Committee requested that schools and colleges provide feedback on the proposed Essential Learning Outcomes:
Knowledge of Human Cultures and the Physical and Natural World
Intellectual and Practical Skills
Personal and Social Responsibility
Integrative and Applied Learning (Embedded in Major/Program requirements)
Schools and colleges were asked to discuss areas of agreement and areas for improvements to submit to the General Education Committee. Below are the submissions.
Experiential Learning - This suggested essential learning outcome was submitted to the General Education Committee by the College of Arts and Sciences, listing internships, study abroad, and research as meeting the requirement.
Innovative Learning - This suggested essential learning outcome was submitted to the General Education Committee by the College of Arts and Sciences, listing an interdisciplinary, team-taught course as meeting this requirement.
Intercultural Knowledge and World Competency - This suggested essential learning outcome was submitted to the General Education Committee by the College of Arts and Sciences, stating that two world language courses must be taken to meet the requirement. This suggested essential learning outcome was initially listed as a Student Learning Discipline under the ELO: Knowledge of Human Cultures and the Physical and Natural World.
Knowledge of the Global African Diaspora - This suggested essential learning outcome was submitted to the General Education Committee by the Chadwick A. Boseman College of Fine Arts, listing African Diaspora Awareness, Intercultural Knowledge, and World Languages Competency, Cross - Cultural Comparative Skills as Student Learning Discipline. These outcomes were initially assigned to ELO: Knowledge of Human Cultures and the Physical and Natural World. The idea of African Diasporic curriculum as a separate essential learning outcome, rather than embedding African Diasporic content into Howard's various disciplines, is supported by the School of Business.
Knowledge of Visual and Performing Arts - This suggested essential learning outcome was submitted to the General Education Committee by the Chadwick A. Boseman College of Fine Arts, listing Visual Literacy, Digital literacy, and Creative Thinking as the Student Learning Discipline to meet this requirement.
Leadership - This suggested essential learning outcome was submitted to the General Education Committee by the School of Education as their curriculum committee highlighted that the initial proposal did not mention leadership, although it is a core value of the university. Advocacy for leadership, listed as an essential learning outcome was verbally shared by faculty from the College of Arts and Sciences.
Oral Communication - This suggested essential learning outcome was submitted to the General Education Committee by the College of Arts and Sciences, listing Speaking Across Curriculum (SAC) as meeting the requirement. This suggested essential learning outcome was initially listed as a Student Learning Discipline under the ELO: Intellectual and Practical Skills.
Personal Well-Being - This suggested essential learning outcome was submitted to the General Education Committee by the College of Engineering and Architecture. This suggestion aligns with the General Education Committee's inquiry of creating a wellness culture on campus that has an array of wellness options that delves into holistic health.
Physical Education - This suggested essential learning outcome was submitted to the General Education Committee by the College of Arts and Sciences, aligning with the suggested ELO: Personal Well-Being submitted by the College of Engineering and Architecture.
Quantitative Skills and Reasoning - This suggested essential learning outcome was submitted to the General Education Committee by the College of Arts and Sciences, listing statistics and data science to meet the requirement.