HU Schools and Colleges - Stakeholder Feedback
Howard University's General Education Program
Phase Two - Campus Stakeholder Feedback
General Education Stakeholder Feedback Presentation - HU Schools and Colleges

Feedback from Schools and Colleges with Undergraduate Programs
For Phase 2 of adopting the proposed General Education Program (GEP), the General Education Committee (GEC) requested that curriculum committees for each school and college (that provides undergraduate degree programs) submit feedback for the following:
Essential Learning Outcomes - The proposed General Education Program provides a set of proposed Essential Learning Outcomes (ELOs) that allows for a consistent “unique Howard Experience” across the university and the flexibility necessary for schools/colleges to meet accreditation mandates and major/minor requirements.
Credit Hour Distribution - The General Education Program is inclusive of a university-wide GE Credit-Hour Distribution to be uniformly adopted across undergraduate schools and colleges.
* Curriculum Committee members reviewed the following proposed Essential Learning Outcomes. Please review their feedback.
GEC Proposed Essential Learning Outcomes
Undergraduate Credit-Hour Distribution